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limitations of first amendment
The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America talks about certain ensured opportunities of the residents. Said opp...
Monday, May 25, 2020
Macroeconomic Policies And Regulate The Healthy Operation...
The government plays an important role in the national economy. Through the formulation of macroeconomic policies and regulate the healthy operation of the national economy. There are four main economic theory tells us government to achieve macroeconomic objectives: price stability, full employment, sustainable and balanced economic growth and balance of international payments. In addition, inflation, unemployment and economic growth are the big macroeconomic issues of our time. In this essay we focus on inflation and unemployment. Unemployment occurs when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work. Unemployment is often used as a measure of the health of the economy. The most frequently cited measure of unemployment is the unemployment rate. This is the number of unemployed persons divided by the number of people in the labor force (Unemployment, INVESTOPEDIA, 2010)1. number of unemployed Unemployment rate = â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ * 100 labor force There are three main types of unemployment: cyclical unemployment, frictional unemployment and structural unemployment. Cyclical or demand-deficient unemployment occurs when aggregate desired expenditures in the economy are insufficient to purchase the output that would be supplied when the economyShow MoreRelatedFiscal Policy, Monetary Policy, and a Healthy Gross Domestic Product1716 Words  | 7 PagesEconomic Health/Fiscal Policies and Federal Reserve/Monetary Policies Paper Understanding Gross Domestic product is central for understanding the business cycle and the progression of long-run economic growth (Hubbard O’Brien, 2011, p. 631). 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Friday, May 15, 2020
Importance Of Literature Necessities And Learning
The Importance of Literature Necessities in Learning Early American literature consists of various texts which each give a different contribution to the forming of this great nation. From early Indian writings such as â€Å"Earth on Turtle’s Back,†to the poems of Edgar Lee Master, like â€Å"Richard Bone,†there is specific significance which defines and determines the set up of this fairly young country which we call the United States. These authors often capture a snapshot of that time period, giving insight to readers for generations, showing historians and students what life was like in that time. So why don’t we just read our history textbooks? The unique thing about these writings is they were honestly written from that time, these authors aren’t historians who have gathered information about a certain topic; these are the people who lived through this topic. How fascinating! Another reason these historic texts are imperative in an American child’s education is due to the fact that child ren learn from their elders, this is for sure. Taking information from these elders, in a sense, is just as important. There are certain movements and major events which were recorded or begun through writing from that time, the recognition of America as a separate country and the feminist movement are among these. Considering these facts, three substantial texts of early America are more than valuable in an education, those texts being â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,†a speech byShow MoreRelatedProfessional Development : An Exploration Of Their Relationships By Integrating Literature And Interview Data1241 Words  | 5 PagesPool, I. A., Poell, R. F., Berings, M. G. M. C., ten Cate, O. (2016). Motives and activities for continuing professional development: An exploration of their relationships by integrating literature and interview data. 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Wang sees this as a result of a negative dynamic of customer mistreatment of employees that boils over into resentment of customersRead MoreRelated Literarureand Studies of Online Selling Website1450 Words  | 6 PagesCHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature and Study This chapter includes some related literature and studies of different companies and people which are discuss in the following paragraphs. Literature According to Karen Frishman a Basic Level Expert Author The online selling field may seem infinite in scope, too, with millions of potential customers worldwide. But, success in selling collectibles on the Web is gained in much the same way as it is in the physical world, by knowing buyers needs andRead MoreLiterature : The Things They Carried1119 Words  | 5 Pages Literature comes in all sizes. Literature doesn’t focus on a specific genre; it can be about anything from war, to violence, to race. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Stereotypes Are Fueling Recruiters Perceptions
What negative stereotypes are fueling recruiters perceptions? The first impression is what people see when they meet you for the first time rather it is on a date or at a interview. Some say they don’t care what people think of them as long as they love themselves it does not matter others get very upset and in some cases cause a low self esteem. These are the problems that happen in individuals private life the problems at the workplace are a little different. For instance the job of a recruiter is very challeging to talk to different people the entire day and not pass judgement on them and stay proffessinal at all times. According to Kreitner Kinicki( 2013) â€Å" Interviewers make hiring decisions based on their impressions of how an applicant fits the perceived requirement of a job. Unfortunately many of these decisions are made on the basis of implicit cognition†. (para. 1) So many people have not received jobs due to being stereotyped against. In many cases it is no fault of the applicant and they are not even awa re of what is happening. Some people know exactly what the recruiter or interviewer actions are they can feel that the questions sometimes are going away from the questions that should be asked there are many signs that can show proof that things are not right. The stereotypes that can recruiters get caught up in sex-role stereotype, age, racial and ethnic and disabilities. According to Kreitner Kinicki (2013) â€Å"Perceptions and feelings areShow MoreRelatedCase Studies13817 Words  | 56 Pagessends out scores of resumes for a wide variety of positions. The first call he gets is for a position that doesnt really interest him, but he figures he should be open to every opportunity. He schedules an interview, which he aces. In fact, the recruiter offers Eric the job on the spot. He would like Eric to start as soon as possible. Should Eric accept the offer? If he does, can he continue to pursue other jobs actively? Here are some resources that may help: CASE STUDY #2 The Case of the ReferenceRead MoreTerrorism in Southeast Asia17760 Words  | 72 Pagesbecause of the political sensitivity of the issue with both mainstream Islamic and secular nationalist groups. The rise in anti-American sentiment propelled by both the U.S.-led invasion of and presence in Iraq and many Southeast Asian Muslims’ perceptions of America’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as â€Å"blatantly pro-Israel†makes it even more difficult for most governments to countenance an overt U.S. role in their internal security.2 A U.S. foreign policy challenge is to find a wayRead MoreCOMM292 Case Studies23202 Words  | 93 Pageshad not traveled outside the country much over the past few years. With plans to target investment banking firms for his summer internship and post-Darden career path, Griffin had been spending a lot of nights networking with banking alumni and recruiters. Sandeep Prasad was from Bangalore, India. He received a degree in technology and worked for Intel in Bangalore for six years before coming to graduate school. Prasad spoke fluent English and was a huge cricket fan. He followed his favorite teamRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesaddition, you will also become skilled at diagnosing certain generalized patterns of behavior among people with different experiences, nationalities, genders, ethnic backgrounds, and ages. These generalized patterns can be used inappropriately to stereotype or categorize people, of course, and that may lead to deterioration in interpersonal sensitivity and emotional intelligence. On the other hand, being aware of national, cultural, ethnic, gender, or age differences can also be extremely useful toRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagestoward advancement for an unprecedented number of people that soared well into the hundreds of millions by century’s end. But for a clear majority of these migrants, movement was coerced by flight from war and oppression or was enticed by labor recruiters who preyed on the desperately poor. The prospects for the great majority were almost invariably lives of drudge labor in urban sweatshops, on tropical plantations, or on the wharves of an expansive, global export economy. Throughout the century
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Causes of American Revolution Essay Example For Students
Causes of American Revolution Essay The haphazard and disorganized British rule of the American colonies in thedecade prior to the outbreak led to the Revolutionary War. The mismanagementof the colonies, the taxation policies that violated the colonist rights, thedistractions of foreign wars and politics in England and mercantilist policies thatbenefited the English to a much greater degree then the colonists all show theBritish incompetence in their rule over the colonies. These policies anddistractions were some of the causes of the Revolutionary War. The interests of England within the colonies were self-centered. The Englishwere exploiting were trying to govern the colonies by using the mercantilistsystem. Mercantilism is when the state directs all the economic activities withinits borders(Blum 31). England was not attempting to make any changes thatwould help the colonists. They limited the colonies commerce to internal tradeonly(Miller 9). The English were exploiting the colonies by demanding that thecolonies imp ort more from England then they exported to the colonies. Theywere importing raw materials from the colonies and making them into exportablegoods in England. They would then ship these goods to foreign markets allaround the world including the colonies(America Online ). Throughout theseventeenth century the English saw America as a place to get materials theydidnt have at home and a market to sell finished products at after the goods hadbeen manufactured. This was detrimental to the colonies because it preventedthem from manufacturing any of the raw materials they produced and made themIn addition to the unrest caused by their mercantilist policies, domestic politicalissues distracted them from the activities of the colonies. Throughout the sixteenhundreds, Great Britain was more involved in solving the Constitutional issue ofwho was to have more power in English government, the king or parliament. When this complex issue was finally resolved in the Glorious Revolution of 1688,England turned its attention back to the colonies and found that colonists haddeveloped their own identity as American. There was no central office in England to control what was happening in thecolonies. The executive authority in England was divided among severalministers and commissioners that did not act quickly or in unison. Also, theBoard of Trade, the branch of government that knew more about the coloniesthan any other governing body in England, did not have the power to makedecisions or to enforce decrees. Due to the distractions from the complexconstitutional issues and ineffective governmental organization the colonists feltfurther separated from England(Blum 51). The political scene in England was laced with corruption. Officers of thegovernment sent to the colonies were often bribe-taking politicians that were notsmart enough to hold government positions in England. After Grenville andTownshen d the most incompetent was Lord North, who became Prime Ministerin 1770 after the death of Charles Townshend. North was the kind of politicianGeorge had been looking for -a plodding, dogged, industrious man, neither afool nor a genius, much like the king himself. For the next twelve years, despitethe opposition of abler men, he remained at the head of the government(Blum104). Corruption and incompetence among governing politicians often madetheir rule over the colonies ineffective. In the years leading up to the final decade before the American Revolution, therelationship between Great Britain and her colonies in North America continuedto deteriorate. Relations began to worsen with the great victory over the Frenchand Indians in the Seven Years War. Unwelcome British troops had remained inthe colonies. Debts from this war caused the Prime Minister at the time, LordGrenville, to enforce Mercantilism in an effort to get the colonists to pay theirshare of the national debt that had dou bled since 1754(Blum 95). England passed many Acts that were ill conceived and had long term effects onthe relationship between England and the colonies. The most controversial ofthese were direct taxes. The last time Parliament had tried a direct tax was asrecent as 1765, when Lord Grenville enacted the Stamp Act which forced thecolonists to pay for stamps on printed documents, the Stamp Act(Higginbotham34). The Americans had felt the taxes of Lord Grenville were a deliberate aim todisinherit the colonists by denying them the rights of the English(Blum 96). Thefirst of these acts were the Townshend Acts. The Townshend Acts were passedin 1767 and placed new taxes on paper, paints, tea, lead and, glass. The newtaxes would be used to pay for British officials in the American service. Theseacts infuriated the colonists because they believed that Parliament had the rightto put taxes on the trade of the colonies but could not place taxes directly on thecolonists to raise revenue(America Online). The spokesperson of the colonies, John Dickinson, wrote in his Letters of aPennsylvania Farmer, on the issue of direct taxes. He distinguished betweentaxes that were imposed to regulate trade and those that were intended solely toraise revenue. If the tax was used to promote commerce it was justifiable, but ifthe tax was used only to gain revenue it was not viewed as a legitimatetax(America Online). The colonists believed that this new tax was not legitimateand therefore there was strong opposition to it throughout the colonies. By 1766 England backed off in their efforts to tax their colonies. Following a yearof opposition from the colonists England revoked the Stamp Act and the firstQuartering Act, but they still passed the Declaratory Act (History Place). In 1766the Declaratory Act was passed. It was passed the same day that the Stamp Actwas repealed. The Declaratory Act gave the English government total power topass laws to govern the colonies. The British claimed that the colonies hadalways been and should always be subject to the British crown(Blum 99). In 1773 the Tea Act was passed. The Tea Act not only put a three penny perpound tax on tea but it also gave the British East India Company a nearmonopoly because it allowed the company to sell directly to the colonial agentsavoiding any middlemen. In Boston the colonists held a town meeting to try toget their Tea Agents to resign. The Tea Agents would not resign and a fewmonths later angered Bostonians dressed as Indians boarded three tea shipsand dumped it all into Boston Harbor(Blum 106). In 1774 the intolerable Acts were passed. They were passed as a way toreprimand the Bostonians for the Boston Tea Party. This didnt go over well inBoston because both the innocent and the guilty were being punishedequally(America Online). There were five acts within the Intolerable Acts. TheMassachusetts Government Act, a new Quartering Act, the Administration ofJustice Act the Quebec Act and the closing of th e port of Boston. TheMassachusetts Government Act said that the Governors council had to beappointed by the King and limited town meetings to one per year. The newQuartering Act, authorized the quartering of troops within a town (instead of inthe barracks provided by the colony) whenever their commanding officersthought it desirable. The Administration of Justice Act stated that, anygovernment or customs officer indicted for murder could be tried in England,beyond the control of local juries. The Quebec Act was not intended to be usedas a punishment of the colonists, rather to extend the boundaries of the provinceof Quebec to the Ohio River and give the Roman Catholics in that provincereligious liberty and the double protection of French and English law. But theQuebec Act actually angered the colonists because the colonists living inQuebec were getting rights that the Americans felt were being taken away fromDuring these years of ineffective rule, the causes of the Revolutionary War emerged. Laws and policies enacted were self-serving, causing the colonists tovigorously resist and try to avoid British authority. The colonists moves towardreligious and commercial self-determination were overlooked while Englanddealt with the Seven years war and a domestic political crisis. All these factorshighlighted the differences and miscalculations of the British and were thebeginnings of the Revolutionary War. .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70 , .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70 .postImageUrl , .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70 , .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70:hover , .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70:visited , .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70:active { border:0!important; } .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70:active , .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70 .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub88157a414f1bfedb16a95bc179aae70:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sleep Deprivation EssayBibliography:Blum, John M. The National Experience. Fort Worth: Hartcourt Brace CollegePublishers, 1993. Higginbotham, Don. The War of American Independence. New York: TheMacmillan Company, 1971. Miller, John C. Origins of the American Revolution. London: Oxford UniversityPress, 1943. America Online, Research and Learn, History, American History, RevolutionaryWar Forum, Rev War Archives, Part 1. Prelude to Revolution 1763 to 1775. The History Place.
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