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limitations of first amendment
The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America talks about certain ensured opportunities of the residents. Said opp...
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
English Colonial Policy Essay Example for Free
English Colonial Policy Essay England first set out for the New World as a response to the Spanish example. Spain had been the first European power to explore this new land, and upon their return showed how valuable a venture it was. England’s first objective in exploring the New World was to find a North-West Passage to open up trade with China. They were highly unsuccessful, and shifted their focus south toward New Spain. Their attempts to settle and establish colonies failed on many occasions, until the establishment of Jamestown. The settlers quickly adapted to the Native American process of cultivating tobacco and grew it in massive quantities, much of which was exported back to England. England’s main objective in establishing North American colonies was to seek fortune for the monarchy. They had been witness to the Spanish endeavors that proved highly valuable. They also wished to spread Christianity in the new land. The English monarchy saw many opportunities as Spanish power was declining. The first method employed by England to gain power oversees was privateering, in which gold and slaves were stolen from Spanish trade ships. Tobacco became their most useful tool in developing more and more massive settlements. Tobacco could be exported to England for a very high price, enabling colonists to use profits to expand their towns and inhabit much of the coast. Much of England’s population was in poverty seeking new opportunities. Most could not afford the cost of transportation to the New World. In hopes of creating better lives for themselves, thousands of people signed indentures to go work in the New World. This fueled colonists and tobacco planters to expand and further the spread of English colonialism. The Virginia Company had governance over Virginia in the beginning of its colonization. They formed a House of Burgesses to make laws and govern their inhabitants. In 1624, King James named Virginia a royal colony, in which the laws passed by the Burgesses had to be approved by the King’s bureaucrats rather than the Virginia Company. He appointed the colony’s governor and his council. The government of the colonies strictly enforced social distinction between classes. In the New England colonies Puritans dominated the government, and fought for Puritan values. The free man had much more influence on his government than he would in Spanish or French colonies. The government in the English colonies was in many ways Democratic in the sense that it had much focus on the voice of the governed. The English relationship with the Native Americans was very much back and forth. The English had an entitlement that they were superior to the Native Americans. There were times when the colonists depended on the Natives for food and survival during winter. Some tribes cut off the colonists food supply in hopes that they would leave, but the English instead raided their villages and stole their food. An uprising of Natives on March 22, 1622 ended in the death of 347 colonists, which was â€Å"almost one-third†of the population in the settlement (Roark 54). This event may very well have landed the Native Americans on the enemies-list of the English colonists. Works Consulted Eden, Jason, and Naomi Eden. Views Of Older Native American Adults In Colonial New England. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 25.3 (2010): 285-298. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Jan. 2013. Roark, James L. The American Promise: A Compact History Volume 1: To 1877. 4 ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2010. Print.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Australia :: essays research papers
Australia Australia is the world's smallest continent and sixth-largest country. With proportionately more desert land than any other continent, Australia has a low population density. Lying completely in the Southern Hemisphere, Australia is bounded by the Indian Ocean on the west and south and by the Pacific Ocean on the east. These oceans merge on the north in the Arafura Sea between Australia and Indonesia and New Guinea, and on the south in the Bass Strait. The coastline length, estimated at 19,200 km (12,000 mi), is remarkably short for so large an area, a result of the relative lack of indentation. Major inlets other than the Gulf of CARPENTARIA and the GREAT AUSTRALIAN BIGHT are few. A self-governing member of the Commonwealth of Nations, Australia celebrated its bicentennial in 1988z. It is a federation of five mainland states (NEW SOUTH WALES, QUEENSLAND, SOUTH AUSTRALIA, VICTORIA, WESTERN AUSTRALIA) and one island state (TASMANIA), as well as two territories (AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY, NORTHERN TERRITORY). The country's name derives from the Latin terra australis incognita, meaning "unknown southern land," which resulted from a confusion between Australia and Antarctica on early world maps. In many ways Australia is unusual among continents. It lacks major relief features and has a high proportion of dry land. The continent's isolation from other landmasses accounts for its unique varieties of vegetation and animal life, and for the existence of a Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) culture among the Aborigines. Except for Antarctica, Australia was probably the last continent to be inhabited by humans and the last to be explored and settled by Europeans. It is the only continent comprising a single nation-state. Dutch explorers first sighted Australia in the early 17th century. Capt. James COOK explored the east coast in 1770 and claimed the land for Great Britain. In 1778 the first settlement (SYDNEY) was founded at an excellent harbor on the
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Soapbox on Chavs
Don’t even get me started on chavs! CHAV: Council House Anti-social and Violent. We’ve heard about them all before, and we see them on the streets all the time. We all hate them and I’m here to explain why they should all be banned †¦ and preferably incarcerated. They are well known for their advanced linguistics and decent attire. The first thing we notice when seeing a chav are their tracky bottoms – or should I say their underwear, because their trousers usually hung down in the ankle region. They are usually aged about 16-22, and their stereotypical dress code would probably be wearing the famous snapback facing in a 90 degree angle, of course, wearing baggy fake adidas tracksuits with tonnes of fake gold jewellery which they can barely carry. These people are in gangs acting as if they’re 8 foot tall and built up like a rugby player, in the corner of the McDonald’s car park. I once unfortunately came into contact with one of these ‘gangsters’ on my way walking back home from my friend’s house. I was half way there when I just looked to my left and saw some filthy unwashed scum in a hoodie. I was trying my best to avoid when he shouted at me ‘Yo fam, ya got a cig on ya mate’. ‘Fam’ is an urban abbreviation for family; I was thinking to myself that how could this pathetic, low-life imbecile even think that I am his family or related to him in any possible way, whilst I didn’t even bother turning his way. If you haven’t already seen one, they are easy to spot, just look for people with a gangster limp. Don’t get me wrong, I mean I’m not a judge a book by its cover kind of guy, I have reasons for why I despise these people. Anyway it’s their own faults for why they are in that situation because they’ve all dropped out of high-school, and ran away from home living off on government benefits. Why should we constantly pay our unnecessarily high taxes for a bunch of self-homeless townies? And I’m not being sexist about this either because there are also female chavs or better known as ‘chavettes’, which quite frankly aren’t any better. These anti-social group of ugly teenage girls, black and white, who usually hang around near shopping centres, waiting for someone to p*** them off. There are the stupid teenage girls who hang out in groups of threes on their phones, chewing gum obnoxiously loud, with 1 earphone in acting as if they are 10 men shouting at a little kid two or three years younger than them. Then there are the 14 year old pregnant girls who will ram their pushchair right into the back of your foot, and give you a menacing glare, like wat u gna complain. They try to make a name out of themselves by starting fights and causing riots to get in the news to frighten the innocent people at home. Most people are afraid of getting out of their houses after sunset due to these ‘bad men’ as they like to address themselves. Isn’t it funny how the majority is scared by the minority? I suppose it adds to their gangster factor though, and also assists in making them look hard. I mean, come on, if we saw their un-matured, baby face walking down an alley, we wouldn’t exactly be scared would we? Even though they might be carrying a knife in their pocket waiting to shank you, more than half of them I bet won’t even know how to use it. It is quite obvious where these people get the idea from, it is all these disgusting celebrities; the teenage girls obviously follow celebs like Nicki Minaj and the boys attempt to imitate 50 cent and lil’ wayne. With all this in mind, I hope you will come to an agreement that they are a waste of space and this contagious disease should be dealt with before more of the youth in today’s society catches it. So please, friends join me in my rebellion and together we can make chavs history.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Critical Thinking about Post-Independence in Africa and the Anglophone Caribbean
The African continent and the Anglophone Caribbean region share a common history. The two regions were colonized. Majority of the countries gained independence, through peaceful negotiation and armed struggle. Evaluating the progress of the two regions in the last five decades of independence is not easy. The task of evaluating becomes objective and reliable when the task is approached from the perspective of African and Anglo Caribbean nationalism, and the expectation of independence. Both the regions harbored complex nationalist. It’s possible for  one to; argue that the two regions sought to achieve the objectives of decolonization, nation building, development, democracy, and regional in integration (John, McLeod 2007:15-25). State formation Decolonization was one of the great historical phenomenon and achievements of the twentieth century. It marked the achievement for African and Anglo-Caribbean society. The period after 1945 culminated in the demise of colonialism in Africa and Anglophone Caribbean. The taunting task was state formation and setting up basic infrastructure to drive the economy. The independent governments successfully managed to put in place a functional civil service. Education At independence, there were very few institutions of higher learning in both regions. The citizens of these colonies received basic education to enable them render cheap labor in colonial farms. Countries like Zimbabwe, Kenya, Ghana, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago in have established many institutions of higher learning like universities and polytechnics to increase access to higher Education. Besides, Kenya, Ghana and Uganda provides free primary Education hence improving the quality of education (John McLeod 100-105). Democracy Every modern government must embrace democratic culture. This is an area where most states in these regions have underscored. A decade preceding independence saw most of the states degenerate to despotism. Most of the states in Anglophone Caribbean adopted Liberal authoritarianism while others like Guyana went too far to adopt dictatorship where young black men were extra- judicially prosecuted by the government. Majority of African states adopted one party state, which was used as a symbol of oppression and exploitation. Although, elections in Africa have been conducted on a regular basis, they are not always free and fair. The current crisis in Kenya and Zimbabwe is a great testimony. Independence Most of the states in Africa and Anglophone Caribbean are not fully independent. They have continuously depended on financial aid from Britain and North America. The issue of neocolonialism is imminent in both the regions, because the affairs of these states are in directly controlled by powerful states. These countries are always required to undertake some structural adjustments programs. (Gogfrey Mwakikagile 2006:40-48) Development Africa and the Caribbean Anglophone harbor the most impoverished countries in the world. In the recent statistics released by the World Bank, African countries featured prominently in the bottom fifty. The genesis of economic under- development was the adoption of the colonial economy by the independent governments. Plantation agriculture as opposed food crop farming has made these regions to become, victims of over dependence on food aid from the most industrialized states. The last fifty years of independence in Africa and Anglophone Caribbean have witnessed great periods of success and failure in the areas democracy, economic development and national integration. Africa and the Anglophone Caribbean need to restructure their economic system to bring in an aspect of mixed economy. Besides, the culture of democracy must be entrenched to span economic development because persistent wrangling has had a negative influence on the economy. Work Cited John, McLeod Rout ledge companion to postcolonial studies Publisher Routledge, 2007 John McLeod Beginning post colonialism Manchester University Press, 2000 Gogfrey Mwakikagile Africa after independence: realities of nationhood llustratedPublisher, 2006
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